About the Symposium
The first ASTM-Euratom Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry took place in 1975 at the Joint Research Centre, Petten, The Netherlands. This Symposium generally defined the status of reactor neutron metrology and damage analysis programs, and identified the dosimetry needs of the nuclear power industry. Subsequent Symposia further emphasised nuclear data and techniques for characterization of neutron and gamma-ray environments, benchmark fields, damage correlations, pressure vessel surveillance, and radiation effects on materials and electronics.
The Ninth Symposium, renamed the International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, reflected a growing involvement from former Soviet Union republics, as well as increased participation from Japanese experts on reactor surveillance dosimetry and research reactor programs. Nearly twenty countries are expected to be represented at the Seventeenth International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry to be held in Lausanne, Switzerland in May, 2020.
Past Symposia:
Location |
Publication |
1975 Petten (EUROPE, The Netherlands) |
Report: EUR 5667 |
1977 Palo Alto (USA, California) |
Report: NUREG CP 0004 |
1979 Ispra (EUROPE, Italy) |
Report: EUR 6813 |
1982 Washington (USA, Maryland) |
Report: NUREG CP 0029 |
1984 Geestacht (EUROPE, Germany) |
Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 978-94-009-5378-9 |
1987 Jackson Hole (USA, Wyoming) |
ASTM STP 1001, ISBN 978-0-8031-1184-4 |
1990 Strasbourg (EUROPE, France) |
Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-1792-0 |
1993 Vail (USA, Colorado) |
ASTM STP 1228, ISBN 978-0-8031-1899-7 |
1996 Prague (EUROPE, Czech Republic) |
World Scientific, ISBN 981-02-3346-9 |
1999 Osaka (Japan) |
ASTM STP 1398, ISBN 978-0-8031-2884-2 |
2002 Brussels (EUROPE, Belgium) |
World Scientific, ISBN 981-238-448-0 |
2005 Gatlinburg (USA, Tennessee) |
ASTM STP 1490, ISBN 978-0-8031-3412-6 |
2008 Akersloot (EUROPE, The Netherlands) |
World Scientific, ISBN 981-4271-10-1 |
2011 Bretton Woods (USA, New Hampshire) |
ASTM STP 1550, ISBN 978-0-8031-7536-5 |
2014 Aix en Provence (EUROPE, France) |
EPJ Web of Conferences volume 106 - 2016 |
2017 Santa Fe (USA, New Mexico) |
ASTM STP 1608, ISBN 978-0-8031-7661-4 |